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Original Paintings as Functional Jewelry

I had been in search of Faux Feather earrings. I wanted something on the larger side, something bright & colorful, something lightweight, and something unique. I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

Being very determined, I tried a few attempts to make my new earrings out of fabric, I tried beads, but I wasn’t getting the look I wanted. Then one morning, on a cold gray day in early November, It hit me: Watercolors! My favorite painting medium.

I found an extra thick sheet of water color paper that had been floating around in my bucket of materials for probably about two decades. I set to work! I sketched the basic shape, inked it in, added vibrant shades of blue and a little Celtic spiral for a bit of whimsy and… “voila!”, I had done it.

Once I had the look I wanted, I still had to turn them into durable, wearable, earrings.

I found a UV/ Water Resistant Varnish that didn’t destroy the unique feel of the heavy paper and I found hypoallergenic, Stainless Steel hardware for my sensitive ears. Now, more than two years later, and haven warn my feather earrings nearly everyday during that time, they’re still in fantastic, vibrant condition.

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